Sunday, February 6, 2011

Pain and Suffering....

Well, I'm sure you're all wondering what the heck has happened to me over the last few weeks... Oh, that's right, no one reads this! :)  But, if you are, I'll let you in on the details.  Basically I have 6 1/2 weeks until Jett gets here (on March 24th) and it can't go fast enough!  I have SPD (Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction).  The short explaination for that is that my pelvis has seperated too far because of my back to back pregnancies and I'm in pain 24/7.  I can't lay down so I'm sleeping on the couch and "sleeping" is really relative at this point.  It's been pretty frustrating to not be able to get up and down easily and playing with the girls is very hard for me now.  I feel like I'm missing out on a lot of stuff and I just keep thinking that having 3 under 3 will actually be easier than this!!!  
Anyway, the Lord is definitely working on my attitude through all of this.  I know that ultimately He is in control and has slowed me down and given me this time to acknowledge His sovereignty and goodness regardless of our circumstances.  
I honestly can't wait to get off this hard wooden chair that I'm sitting on to type this so goodbye for now.  I have my cell if you want to text... that's the easiest for me these days.  
Love you all!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Isaiah 53...

vs. 7 "He was oppressed and afflicted, yet He did not open His mouth; He was lead like a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before his sheerers is silent, so He did not open His mouth."

Our Sunday School class has been studying in Isaiah the last month.  It's been interesting because there's so much there and not enough time to discuss the chunks we've bit off.  Kind of frustrating.  However, I've delved into a favorite teacher of mine's notes on the book and found something very interesting today.  I realize that no one, and yes, I mean no one, reads my blog... so I thought I'd write about it.

His take on the verse above is something I had never thought of or heard before.  He believes that Jesus Christ didn't open His mouth in defense of His innocence because He considered Himself guilty of our sins which He would bear.  Interestingly enough, my immediate reaction was negative.  How could Jesus Christ consider Himself guilty and agree that He should be crusified???  However, as I discussed this with Wade is brought something else into light.  Jesus died willingly for our sins.  At the heart of Christ is always that of a shepherd filled with compassion for the helpless sheep (us).  He didn't begrudge the cross, even though He prayed wholeheartedly in the garden the night He was arrested.  If that's what had to be done... He was going to do it...

All of this makes me even more certain that God in His infinite mercy is so much greater than we will ever be able to imagine.  He took my sick sin and bore it to the point of death just so I could know Him.  A HOLY God allowed all of that so that I could shine with His righteousness.  He regained His glory in my righteousness.  It's all a bit much for me right now and I need to think this through a bit... probably for the next week or so, but it's amazing.

If you actually read this and you have thoughts please comment and let me know what you think.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Only in the Hill Country...

Here are a couple pictures from when my brother was here from Phoenix.  We went and fed the deer at one of my dad's choir member's houses.  It was really fun and I couldn't believe how they all just came out to eat even though we were sitting right there with noisy kids!!  Enjoy!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Photo/Video Update from Texas


Living Room

Sitting Room

Bathroom (obviously)

1st night here... SMORES at the fire pit!!

Kaesyn helped daddy cook up the dogs.

Zoey just ate smores... she loved it.

Fast friends!

Our best attempt at a good picture for daddy's desk... not that great.

Big girl is growing up... BOO!

I will get more pictures, some with our bedroom.  When I took these the bedrooms were filled with boxes from moving in.  We love it here and we're so blessed to have parents like ours!! 
Love y'all!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

It's a new dawn... it's a new day...

Well everyone, it's a new year.  Already things feel different.  Not because of the new year, mind you, but things around here are getting back to normal.  We had my brother and his family in from Phoenix.  They got here on Monday and just left yesterday.  We had rearranged bedtime to around 9pm which was fun while their kids were here but I'm very happy to have a little evening time while they're sleeping again.  Last night it was almost 9:15 before we got Kaesyn to sleep but tonight she was down around 8:45.  Ahh... feels good.  So, things are coming back to normal.
Christmas was so good.  The girls both just loved opening presents, of course.  Kaesyn has been talking about Santa every night.  We had Christmas on Christmas day and the following Monday so she thinks he comes a lot.  I think it might take a while to get it through to her that he really won't be back until next year! :)  She's such a doll!
Both the girls are getting huge.  I can't believe it.  Kaesyn is now wearing a 4T or 4/5 and Zoey is in 2T.  I can't hardly stand it!  I love that they're growing up and becoming the people they will be, but parts of me want to still be rocking them to sleep.  I love them so much.  I'm excited and nervous to get Jett here.  It's so different this time.  I have no idea what to expect.  I've never had a boy... and Zoey has never been a big sister.  OH MY!!!  I'm not nearly as nervous as when I had Zoey though, because she's such a great sleeper and completely sleep trained.  I'll be able to just put her in bed and get back to baby duty.  I actually thought to myself tonight, "Well, it's only about 2 years before all my kids can be playing by themselves." 
Kaesyn has really grown into her own these past few months.  We got her a Little People house and barn and a Wheely's barn for Christmas.  She will literally play with those for hours on her own making little conversations with the people.  She's so big. 
Wade is having a great time at work.  He's loving the competition and challenge of it all.  This past week he sold 4 cars!!  AMAZING!!!  He has to sell at least 6 a month in order to stay employed there.  So, 4 in a week is kind of a big deal.  I'm so proud of him.  He's working so hard and doing things outside the box to bring in new clients.  He's going to be awesome at this and I'm so thankful to the Lord for moving us here and giving him the opportunity to do something different.
I'm doing well.  I'm getting bigger, of course, but that's to be expected.  My next Dr. appointment is January 13th.  We'll have a sonogram to see how big Jett really is and I'll have my glucose test.  I'm excited to see him again... I just love watching them move around in there! :)  Luckily, even though Jett is huge I haven't gained much weight.  I'm 27 weeks now and have only gained about 13 pounds.  I'm hoping to keep it under 20 this time.  I feel much better than I did with either of the girls because of weight difference. 
I think that's it for now.  I'm going to watch a move with my hubby!  I hope everyone had a great start to their new year!  I love you all!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Christmas Cheer...

Okay, I have no time... but here are a few pictures for your enjoyment!!  We had a great Christmas and I'll write more later!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Noticing a difference...

I thought you might enjoy hearing some of the major differences that I've notices since being here.  Overall, everything is the same, but there are somethings that just make me laugh.  The first is that all the little boys here wear cowboy boots and hats to Church.  It's pretty cute.  Not too crazy, though.  The funniest was yesterday.  My dad gave my mom and I permission to go get pedi's while the girls were napping.  At the salon the ladies were talking about how they feed their deer.  That would NEVER happen in Missouri.  They were all talking about their champion hunting dogs and other such things.  It just made me laugh and I immediately turned to my mom and said, "yep, I have to blog about this!"  So... here it is!!  Have a great day!